
March 22, 2021  •  5 Comments


At first I heard nothing else as my doctor gave me the news. But the reality began to sink in after a few days, diffuse large B cell lymphoma.

How could that be?

Last summer, 9 months ago, I listened as another doctor told me I had aggressive prostate cancer, and the best option was to surgically remove the cancer. I had recovered well. My PSA was zero. No, the previous cancer had not returned; this is a completely different cancer, and even more perilous to my health. 

So the last two weeks have been filled with blood tests, and CT and PET scans, and doctor appointments, and counseling. I have a good prognosis with the test results from last Friday revealing that in addition to cancer in lymph tissue in my stomach, I have cancer in the lymph node under my left arm. Fortunately, miraculously, this cancer was found before I have any symptoms, and with little dispersal through my body. I have heard too many stories of patients who were diagnosed too late. DLBL is a serious threat; it can be fatal.

I am hopeful. My oncologist is confident that the cancer can be, will be, cured.

Next Monday I begin chemotherapy with a combination of four drugs. Every three weeks I will get an infusion that will take 3-4 hours. Nasty side effects may follow each week following treatment. The doctor said I may need radiation following the chemotherapy. And I will have lowered immunity with the risk of infection.

I got my second vaccination against Covid in late February. Supposedly, I am immune. I was ready to break out of isolation, see my friends, invite them to my home, eat in restaurants, go to the theater, hug my granddaughter. But I have something new stalking me. 

So I have a new journey ahead, not unlike the multitude of times I escorted parishioners through this perilous land. Except this time, it's my journey.

Of course I won't be alone. My neighbor said I certainly have more resources than the typical cancer patient: world-class medical facilities, amazing physicians, prayer partners including my Buddhist and Muslim neighbors, my wife and family, and my faith in God's healing.

I expect to be riding a roller-coaster of emotions, and sometimes the future may appear murky. But I have hope that I will be twice-cured.



Ron Taylor(non-registered)
Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this scary time. May the Lord bless you with a complete and speedy recovery.
Krista Price(non-registered)
You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. Virtual hugs being sent.
Dena Hopkins(non-registered)
I am so sorry to hear this and you will be in our prayers. The journey can be frightening, complicated, anxious, and stressful, but the battle has already been won. Victory is yours! I am thankful you are surrounded by so many prayer warriors, people of faith, and your family.
Prayers for strength(non-registered)
I am so sorry to hear this news but cancer is a real issue that most of us have or will have to deal with in our lives. I hear the hope in your message. This gives me hope you can navigate this journey with your helpers and come through on the other side feeling healthy. Never give up and remember we are hear to listen. Sending hugs virtually.
Sandy Freiheit(non-registered)
As I ponder...looking at this photo, it's like looking through blurring if I was starring through watery eyes...tear filled...before they charge, with full begin running down my cheek. The the sun (Son) blends with the darkness (evil) of the deep waters... while the trees lose their leaves (aging). It screams reflection(s) to so many reflections. Also, as I sit at this waters edge, it reflects peace and calm....the kind of peace and calm only our Lord and Savior has and is able to bless our hearts, minds, bodies and any moment or in any/all moments in our journey. Prayers my friend...this photo reflects many many prayers....
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